Good evening

byf / dfi

stan list

about me


Recently played


Linkin Park

Lady Gaga

byf / dfi

BYF : obsessed with fictional charas,
bad with words/expressing,
easily distracted, gets jealous fast,
attachment and abandoned issues,
delayed replies when gaming & forgets things easily.
DFI : can't accept me the way I am, over 40+, homophopic, make death or dad jokes, dry or toxic, don't have patience, have a (very) cringe behavior, overly dramatic over everything.

about me

name : kaiden or kai
pronouns : she/her/(it)
age : nineteen (24th oct)
gender : female
sex : asexual & biromantic (aroace too)
others : tomboy, undiagnosed adhd & autism, social anxiety

stan list

ULTS : ateez, odetari, lady gaga, linkin park, marina, michael jackson, LiSA, mc jams
CASUALS : ado, bts, monsta x, stray kids, mother mother, imagine dragons, mindless self indulgence
ANIMES : fullmetal alchemist, detective conan, magic kaito, attack on titan, code geass, soul eater, sword art online, snow white with the red hair, howls moving castle


Tiktok : jooxng
Instagram : matzluvrr
Pinterest : matzluvrr
Smule : ka1d3n_
Last.Fm : Kaidxen